NaNoWriMonday — Na No What Now?

With November around the corner, and my intent to take part in my 7th NaNoWriMo, I thought I’d do a weekly post (as long as all goes well) from now until the first Monday in December.

For anyone who isn’t down with the nano, NaNoWriMo is some weird camel-case short form for ‘National Novel Writing Month.’ The original goal isn’t necessarily to write an entire novel in November, but to get 50,000 words. It’s a personal goal, so some people have taken to changing their goal to whatever makes sense for them. 10K, 50K, 100K, edit an existing manuscript, building a tribute statue to the brilliant show Doctor Who. Whatever.

Me, I prefer the classic 50K challenge. This means 1,667 words per night. It’s also going to be the first day that I’ll be trying to balance NaNoWriMo with semi-consistent blog posting. Fingers crossed!

Next week, on NaNoWriMonday, I’ll reveal the story I’ll be trying to write in November. It’s an idea that I’ve had bouncing around my head for a few years now, so it’s nice and marinated!

If this sounds like something you’re interested in doing, I encourage you to go to and find out more. It’s a good time.

Fun fact about this post: NaNoWriMo + Monday = NaNoWriMonday! I’m a genius! #NotAGenius