The Writer’s Tag

Big thanks to Sophie @ Sophie’s Corner for tagging me on this one! Sophie has a great blog where she discusses a great many things. Do yourself a favour and go check it out when you’re done here.

What genres, styles, and topics do you write about?

I tend to be all over the place. I get an idea, and I write it, no matter the genre. The only genres I haven’t done are romance, erotica, and westerns. And I don’t think I’ve done Steampunk, but the lines between a lot of genres are pretty blurry. Speaking of, there are probably a bunch of genres that I haven’t even heard of, which I’m now claiming to have written. So, maybe I should specify.

Most of what I’ve is probably considered plain, old fiction. Literary? Mainstream? Commercial? I don’t know. I’m bad with deciding genres. What I’m really enjoying writing (and reading) at the moment is Sci-Fi & Fantasy.

How long have you been writing?

As long as I can remember. My Mom always tells me that when I was little I used to rush through my homework so I had more time to draw comics and write stories. I remember stapling printer paper together and trying to make my own comic book. HYPERMAN! His powers came from coffee and all his hair stood on end. Why? Because of how hyper he always was. Duh!

Why do you write?

Pfft. I don’t know. Why do we breathe? I’m still trying to work out why everyone else DOESN’T write.

When is the best time to write?

At night. Sometimes I try to write during the day, and it’s so hard. That’s my mental block. For years now, I don’t get the chance to write until work is done and the kids are in bed.

What parts of writing do you love and hate?

I love…
World Building
Writing Dialogue

I hate…
Waiting for feedback

How do you overcome writer’s block?

I don’t get writer’s block since becoming an outliner. Outlining is almost like having a point form draft of your story. Anytime you’re stuck, you just look at your outline and go, “Oh, yeah. That’s where I am.”

Distraction blocks, I still get. Thanks, Twitter and Netflix.

Are you working on something at the moment?

Always. It’s set in a world where the human race has evolved into various sub-species. Three youths, each from a different sub, are forced to work together on a heist that could mean their freedom, or their deaths.

I guess I would call it fantasy, though, as I said, I’m really bad at assigning genre. It deals with a bunch of different societies coming together and each one kind of comes from another genre. Sci-fi, fantasy, urban fantasy, etc, etc.

What are your writing goals this year?

Oh, geez. I don’t know. World domination? Is that a thing writers do?

Since it’s November, I’ll assume 2018 goals. I have a manuscript with beta-readers at the moment, which I hope to have feedback for in early January. So I’ll have another draft of that to do, and then I may begin talking to some literary agents about it.

If I don’t finish this multi-genre-fantasy story by the new year, that’ll also be on my to-do list, as well as working on its second draft.

And, hopefully, there will be time to work on a couple short stories and see if any literary magazines are interested.

Last, but maybe most importantly, I’ll be keeping up with this whole blogging business. It’s the one writing-related thing that is currently packed with the most fun.

Okay, writing buddies, you’re tagged.

That means you…
Julie Holmes
MN Bernard

Fun fact about this post: I’ve been seeing this tag around, and I was going to self-tag because I really wanted to do it, but then the planets aligned and Sophie tagged me!