Top 5 books that need a spin off book/series

Against all odds (a.k.a. A few days without internet) I’m back to make a post. Might as well make it one of my favourite memes, Top 5 Tuesday hosted by Shanah @ Bionic Bookworm. This week is the top 5 books that deserve a spin-off book or series. Pitter, patter, let’s get at ‘er.

Six of Crows book cover

Six of Crows – Jesper Fahey

A prequel featuring the wise-cracking sharpshooter with untrained Grisha abilities? Yes, please!

Lorien Legacies – Number 5

A controversial character, to say the least. Is he evil? Good at heart? Who knows? But I’d like to find out. I’d also like to see more scenes where he smiles sadistically and tells someone, “You like to kill, let’s see who’s better at it.

Harry Potter – Severus & Lily

I want to read about Severus, Lily, and James and their time in school. We got the slightest glimpse of it in book 6 & 7, but it would easy to do more. Even one for each year at Hogwarts.

Ready Player One – Pretty much every character, but James Halliday most

Seriously, I’d read just about any spin-off, but one about Halliday would be amazing. It could go through a lot of his history, but a big chunk on his time developing the Oasis. Based on the book, he was mainly just shut in during that time, but all the interesting stuff could happen inside the Oasis as he battles bugs, viruses, and hackers.

Red Rising – Sevro & The Howlers

Sevro is arguably the best parts of the Red Rising trilogy. Can you imagine chapter after chapter of him and his mates, donning their wolf cloaks and howling as they take down small bands of Golds?

Fun fact about this post: Sevro & The Howlers would also be a decent name for a punk rock band.