Brotherhood of the World Award

I’m not sure what the Brotherhood of the World award is supposed to be about. Does that mean I ceaselessly annoy the world to the point of ‘telling on me?‘ Or that I torture it by almost touching its face while repeating, ‘I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you!

Whatever the award is for, I owe my appreciation to Dreamy Reads for nominating me. Head over and see Dreamy’s own nomination.

Here are the rules:
• Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
• Answer the questions sent to you.
• Nominate around ten bloggers.
• Create your set of questions for your nominees.
• List the rules and display the Brotherhood Of The World logo in your post

Briefly explain your blogging style (where your favorite blogging spot/tools – as in, on the couch using your smart phone or something).

I have a blogging style? I don’t know. I guess I kind of write off the cuff, word diarrhea, and edit it into something that could be referred to as intelligible. I also try to squeeze in as many jokes/funny lines in. I think I’m incredibly funny, though I grudgingly admit that it’s probably not true nearly as often as I think!

I blog on my couch, with my laptop on my lap. I normally have something on TV when I do, which causes me to write/compose quite a bit slower. *shrug*

How do you manage your blogging time including blog reading time?

Time can be managed? Huh! I’ll have to try that sometime! Generally, I’m busy from the moment I wake up, until the moment my kids go to bed. I might be able to squeeze some reading time in there somewhere, if the kids are playing nicely, or watching a movie. Once they’re in bed, it’s writing time. Saturday and Sunday is for writing and scheduling blog posts. Monday-Friday is novel writing time.

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind spending a little more time reading, but it would mean giving up on some writing. It’s a delicate balance, isn’t it?

How did you come up with your blog name?

I didn’t want a name that suggested only reading posts, in case I wanted to throw down the occasional writing post, or something about movies, or comics, or a TV show I was really digging, or even a video game. What these all had in common, is that they were all forms of stories. I like alliteration. I like puns (sometimes.) Storeys of Stories was born. I had an image in my head of a cityscape except all the buildings replaced with stacks of books.

What keeps you blogging

I don’t have a lot of real-life people to talk books with. So, this is one of the few outlets to rant and rave about my favs. Beyond that, it’s the writing community. It’s nearly impossible to imagine how supportive the community is until you’re elbow deep in it. That sounds gross, but I assure you, elbow deep in a good way? First, pretend there’s a good way to be elbow deep in something, and then pretend this community is the good kind of elbow-deep. Is it getting hot in here?

What would you do if I grant you a wish?

I assume I can’t wish for more wishes. I’ve got to go with infinite wealth. I’d be able to buy every book in the world. I wouldn’t have to work, so I could stay home all day and read. I could fill an entire room with money and swim in it like Scrooge McDuck! Hey, it’s my fantasy, let me do what I want.


My Questions:

  1. Do you watch or listen to something when you blog, or do you need complete silence?
  2. Putting in work on your blog: A little each day? Or a whole bunch of work all at once?
  3. Name something you’ve always wanted to try, but for whatever reason, haven’t done it yet.
  4. Do you have pets? If yes, what kind and how many?
  5. What’s the song that’s been getting stuck in your head lately?

I nominate:

Laura @ LFBooks

Samantha @ Modern Witch’s Bookshelf

Elizabeth @ Mountains of Books

CJ Stark @ Random Melon Reads

Book and Corner

Fun fact about this post: I still plan to make that cityscape with buildings made of books a reality. Just need to have the time.