Top 4 Thursday – Favourite Short Books (get it, because February is a short month??)

Short month, short books. Oh, Ally, you’re so clever. Allow me to join you: short intro.

Old Man and the Sea
by Ernest Hemingway

The first time I read this book, I’m pretty sure it was in a single sitting. It wasn’t just because it’s short, Hemmingway flows so effortlessly that you have no clue how much you’re reading. Suddenly you turn the last page, realize hours have passed, and that you’re really hungry.

I Am Legend
by Richard Matheson

Most of the time this is in a full-sized book, but that’s because it comes packaged with a number of other short stories. The actual I Am Legend story is quite short and really powerful. The movie does NOT do it justice. Trust me.

Animal Farm
by George Orwell

Such a strange little book but by the end, you want to cry. Damn you, Orwell!

Fahrenheit 451
by Ray Bradbury

Such a wonderful classic. And never has the mentality of that society been truer than it is now.

Fun fact about this post: It’s short.