Thursday Quotables

Thursday Quotables is hosted by Bookshelf Fantasies, and it’s a pretty fun way to geek out about books.

• Write a Thursday Quotables post on your blog. Try to pick something from whatever you’re reading now. And please be sure to include a link back to Bookshelf Fantasies in your post, if you’d be so kind!
• Add your Thursday Quotables post link in the comments section below… and I’d love it if you’d leave a comment about my quote for this week too.
• Be sure to visit other linked blogs to view their Thursday Quotables, and have fun!


“After all, if a million starving people knew there was nothing waiting for them but the grave, that this one life was their only shot at being happy, you think they’d let the rich and powerful walk all over them?”













Fun fact about this post: This post was fueled by Pringles and Dr. Pepper.