Top 5 Bookish Pet Peeves

SHE’S BAAAACK! The Bionic Bookworm has returned (practically from the dead) to host another week of Top 5 Tuesday. This week, we moan and complain about our biggest pet peeves as bookworms .

Having to wait for a Paperback version

Don’t get me wrong, I like hardcovers, but they’re not the most economical option. Plus, sometimes if you already have paperbacks of a series, you want to continue getting the paperback versions. By the way, I’m not talking about trade paperbacks. Those are a nightmare for people like me who despise a cracked spine. Speaking of…

Cracked Spines

Yes, I’m one of those people. That’s why hardcovers and paperbacks are so nice (again, not trade paperbacks). Most of them can sit flat on a table, stay open at whatever page you’re on, without any damage to the spine.

When a WAY better cover is printed after you already own the original crap cover

Do I really have to explain this one? We all have those books that we love, but the cover is just plain ugly. Imagine walking into a store and seeing a beautiful new cover. Something that matches the book’s inner-brilliance. What do you do? Buy a second copy just to have the new cover?

Stickers that don’t come off nicely

I don’t mind when my books have stickers on the covers. Sometimes, it’s what draws my attention and ultimately sells one more copy of that book. In those cases, that sticker did its job. However, most of the time, those stickers peel off nice and clean. 1 pull, not too much effort and it’s done. And then there are times where it’s a disaster. Tearing dozens of times. Coming off in tiny little pieces. Having to scratch with your fingernail to get that last little bit. And if it’s a particularly evil sticker, there may even be a permanent reminder that it was ‘Heather’s Pick.’

Books with covers based on movie adaptations

Maybe it’s because the book is always better than the movie, maybe it’s just because it’s a reminder that the book sold extra copies due to theatrical success, or maybe it’s just because that design belongs on a DVD cover and not a book.

Fun fact about this post: I mean, it’s not like you ever see book covers on movies posters!