DISCUSSION – “A View From the Kid’s Section”

Before I get into this post, let me state for the record that I have no problem reading YA books. Some of my all-time favourite books are YA. However, it’s pretty funny sometimes when I’m having a conversation with other readers, who don’t normally read YA.


MELISSA: “The book I’m reading right now is based on women that worked in a factory dealing with toxic chemicals. It talks a lot about the side-effects they had to deal with and their fight for basic human rights.”

JEN: “I’m reading a story about a woman who’s struggling with having to put her mother in a retirement home. Joe, you’re always reading something. What’s the current book about?”


MELISSA: “Oh, like a metaphorical—”

ME: “NOPE! Evil Mermaids. They’re called Sirens, actually. They collect human hearts. It’s AWESOME!”

Love it. And I’m not sure I’ll ever stop reading YA.

Fun fact about this post: The above conversation didn’t happen that way. Parts of it though…