Sunshine Blogger Award #2

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are

creative, positive, and inspiring, while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.”

And despite the above definition, Sam Duffy STILL nominated me! Can you believe that?! HA! I probably owe her some kind of cash payment! Either way, thanks, Duffy! You’re one of my favorite bloggers, so a nod from you means a lot to me. If you’re not already following her over at Advanced Muggle Studies, you’re missing out!

• Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
• Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
• Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
• List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

What is the story behind your blog name?

I don’t know. Before I chose Storeys of Stories it was just Which was okay, I guess, but seemed a little clinical. There wasn’t a feeling of fun to it. I played with a lot of different names that included words like ‘books’ and ‘reading’, but I knew I wasn’t going to be exclusively reading posts. I knew I’d put up the odd post covering a movie, TV show, writing post, etc, etc. The common thread there was everything I thought I’d post about had a story. BAM!

Honestly, I’m not sure how good the name is, and there are days I still think I should change it to something else, but I’m not sure. What do you think?

What distracts you from reading the most?

My phone. It has games, the internet, people messaging me. It’s terrible. I wish I could tell you that I put it away when I read, or write, or blog, but I don’t. It’s always right beside. And I mean RIGHT beside me. Generally, I only have to move my hand six inches to get to it. Addiction? Absolutely.

What have you learned from reading?

Oh, geez. EVERYTHING! Not even kidding. But I think I know what the question is really talking about. I’ve learned I don’t need spaceships and monsters to enjoy a story, but given the choice I’m picking spaceships and monsters. I’ve learned I can enjoy a non-fiction, but not nearly as much as fiction. I’ve learned my brain is actually a ‘Young Adult’ and not only am I okay with that, I embrace it. And I’ve learned that no matter how many books are on your TBR, there’s another one just waiting to pile on.

Any favorite quotes (bookish or not)?

“The first draft of anything is shit.” Ernest Hemmingway

Always been a favourite and, in my case, pure truth!

“This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time.” Tyler Durden/Chuck Pahlaniuk, Fight Club

A lot of people would look at this as a negative, and possibly evil thought. Not me. I look at as a reminder not to waste time. It’s my version of ‘Carpe diem!’

What are some things that never fail to make you smile?

My kids. And smart comedies like The Office, Community, and Brooklyn 99.

What methods do you use to best keep track of your blogging (posts, ideas, reviews, etc.)?

‘Methods’ is too strong of a word in my case. How do I organize the chaos? Better. Closer. I’m not sure that I do. I use Apple’s software Notes a lot. Whenever I think of a good post idea, I create a new note and put in a title. Later, I’ll go into that same post and write a draft. By the time I’m ready to post, I’m usually copying and pasting from that same program.

At what point in your blogging career did things change for you? When did you start to feel comfortable in the blogging world?

Career?! Comfortable?! I still don’t feel comfortable, or that I fit in, but I’m still having a ton of fun! I feel like a kid running wild in a toy store. I know someone’s eventually going to tap me on the shoulder and call my mom, but until then I’m going to see if I can make Hot Wheels shoot out of a nerf gun!

What is your favorite non-bookish hobby?

Video games. No question. They’re the main reason I don’t read more. I’ve been cutting WAY back over the past few years, but the pull is always still there. I’m not going to say I know what a drug addict feels like, but…

What are some of your favorite/most beautiful book covers? (or movie-posters if you aren’t into books)?

Sea of Rust was my all time favorite cover until I recently saw the cover for Jay Kristoff’s new book Lif3like. It’s GORGEOUS!


Where do you feel most comfortable?

On my couch, in front of the TV. No better place in the world.

If your life (up to this point) was made into a movie, what song do you imagine is playing in the end credits?

Being that this wasn’t my first nomination (and that just about every blogger I know has also gotten a nod) I’m not going to so another set of nominations. I don’t want anyone to feel obligated, and, okay, maybe I’m feeling a little lazy! (See? That doesn’t seem very sunshiney, does it, Duffy?!)

Fun fact about this post: You’re still reading this? Wow. I really thought you’d be on to another post by now. Try What Counts as a Spoiler? People seemed to like that one!