I called in sick this week… sorry

Let me tell you… It. has. been. a. week.

Nothing real bad. In the grand scheme of life, a good week to be alive. I have a full-time job, hobbies I enjoy, and a family to love. But, holy crap weasels, was it busy! I went to bed every night way earlier than normal.

Work has been insane, and now that we’re close to the performances of this play I’m going to be in, the practices are many and often. I went to bed every night this week way earlier than I normally would have and got way less done than I normally do. I haven’t even been reading much!

So, apologies if you missed me this week (even though I’m pretty sure the only one who did was my Mom!) I hope to be back next week.

Fun fact about this post: I’m too tired to think of a fun fact about this post…

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