Top 5 books I predict will be 5 star reads!

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the multi-talented Bionic Bookworm. April’s just about over, but soon the topics for May will be out, and that’ll be your chance to jump in!

This week’s list was kind of a slam dunk for me. I’m not always up to date on the newest releases, so this list was pulled from the portion of my TBR that’s been recommended from bloggers that I trust implicitly. Hell, a few of these books have been recommended by every blogger on the entire internet!

Read ’em and weep!

A Darker Shade of Magic

You didn’t think there was anyone left who hadn’t read it, did you? There’s still someone, and it’s me! I don’t think I’ve seen a single person posting that it’s anything less than 4.5 to 5 stars.



Another one where I’m one of the last known survivors. Not only have people been raving about this book, but I’ve seen people saying Kristoff is their new favourite author. That’s pretty huge props.


Loved Illuminae. Currently loving Gemina. ‘Nuff said.

The Fireman

This one is actually a bit of a leap for me. I haven’t heard a ton of people talk about it, but the synopsis sounds good. And by all reports, Joe Hill is potentially just as fantastic as his dad!

Iron Gold

Holy crap! A thought that I put together all on my own! I’ve loved every book in the Red Rising series, so why would this one be any different?

Extra credit: Warcross, They Both Die at the End, and both of my current reads (Macbeth and Gemina!)

Fun fact about this post: *shrug* I just got back from having a week off.