Thursday’s Top 4 Book Titles

Don’t judge a book by its cover! And that probably extends to its title. Well… I do both.

What kind of titles are we talking about, though? What’s in a title? It has nothing to do with the font on the front cover. Buzzwords don’t necessarily mean anything. A good title is something that when you hear it, without any other elements, you stop and a go, “Oh! What’s that about?”

This week, in Ally’s Thursday’s Top 4, we talk about some of these great titles.

Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe

Maybe it’s because I just finished this book and absolutely love everything about it. However, you hear a title like that, and it leads you to wonder things like, “Who’s Neanderthal? And how does he open this magic door? 42??”

They Both Die at the End

This title is so blatant it makes you question its legitimacy. Is it just giving you the truth? Or is it purposely misleading you?

The Last Namsara

Anytime you hear about the ‘Last’ of anything, it’s intriguing. I didn’t know what a Namsara was, before reading this book, but hearing that there was only one left, I had to know more.

I Am Legend

A bold claim. Are you legend? Are you really?

Fun fact about this post: I suggested this subject for a top 5 Tuesday, so when Ally told me she had it upcoming, I HAD to get on it!