The Currently Reading Book Tag

I was tagged on this one by Jillian the Bookish Butterfly. She posts a lot of interesting stuff on her little corner of the internet. So if you’re not already following her, what are you doing?? Thanks, Jillian!

How many books do you usually read at once?

Generally, 3. A physical book, which almost never leaves my house. An eBook, for those times I have time to read somewhere that isn’t my house. And an audiobook for walking the dog and occasionally while at work. 

If you’re reading more than one book at a time, how do you decide when you switch books?

See above answer.

Do you ever switch bookmarks while you’re partway through a book?

Ha ha. It’s happened. But usually only if I’m using some ratty receipt or something else that gets worse as I read until it’s nearly non-existent. 

Where do you keep the book(s) you’re currently reading?

Wherever I was reading it last. There’s no specific spot.

What time of day do you spend the most time reading?

Night. Sometime between 9 & midnight.

How long do you typically read in one sitting?

Probably an hour. But I’ve been known to grab a book even if I know I’ve only got 7 minutes. 

Do you read hardbacks with the dust jacket on or off?

Off! How anyone can read with them on is beyond me. 

What position do you mainly use to read?

Sitting, with my book in my lap.

Do you take the book you’re currently reading with you everywhere you go?

You’re not paying attention, are you, dis-embodied questions. My book stays home unless I KNOW FOR A FACT that I’m going to be somewhere with an hour or more to sit around. 

How often do you update your Goodreads progress on the book you’re currently reading?

Ha ha. Almost never. Generally, I put in that I’ve started reading a book and don’t give an update until I’m done. 

I tag: 

María @ Bookgraphy

Sophie @ Sophie’s Corner

Michaela @ Journey Into Books