Top 4 Great Young Adult Books

Top 4 Thursday is a bi-weekly mem hosted by Ally @ Ally Writes Things. You should join in and you should see what else Ally has happening on her blog. It’s one of my favs!

Top 4 Young Adult books. This was more difficult than I first thought. The lines between YA and Fantasy/Sci-Fi are sometimes very, very thin. Sometimes I’m shock when a book is given a YA classification, and other times there’s a book that I’m sure MUST be a YA, yet it’s not. So if I’m wrong about any of the books on this list, forgive me. I’m not longer a ‘young’ adult, so I don’t know any better.

Six of Crows

When I picked this up (on the recommendation of every blogger on the planet) I didn’t know what to expect. What I got was something so fresh, so enticing, and so GOOD that even I’M mad at myself for not finishing to duology yet.

Six of Crows book cover

Red Rising

Loved every moment of this book (and every moment of the trilogy.) It rang with some familiarities of other YA books, but quickly put itself above these other books.


Ground-breaking, even if it wasn’t the first book to use such a unique format. There are very few books that I can remember commanding such a strong emotional investment.


The Raven Boys

I was very late to the party on this one, but it’s fantastic. And like other books on this list (pretty much the entire list) you really need to read the entire series to get the entire story.

Fun fact about this post: Obviously, Harry Potter qualifies, but I feel the entire series has transcended genres completely. It’s not YA. It’s HP. Probably has it’s own section in most book stores.