Top 4 Books With NO Romance

Top 4 Thursday is a bi-weekly meme hosted by Ally @ Ally Writes Things. If you haven’t done the T4T, what are you waiting for? In 2 weeks, we’ll be doing Top 4 Books you read because of something superficial. But THIS week, we talk about books with NO romance.

This is kind of tough one, actually. I’m pretty sure the books on my list have no romance, but there are always details about a book that I forget. So no pointing fingers and calling me names if something I listed has a smidgen of romance, okay?


Pretty confident in this one.


Just about everything you can imagine happens in this book… except romance. There’s a married couple in it, and sure they probably love each other, but I can’t remember any straight-up romance.

The Hobbit

Not the movie version where Evangeline Lily shows up and falls in love with a dwarf. That didn’t happen in the book. Or it did and I don’t remember.

I Am Legend

Again, not the movie where humans are falling in love with humans, and vampires and falling in love with vampires. Just a man. Alone. Surrounded by monsters.

Fun fact about this post: Post number two for today. Sick of me yet?