The Awesome Blogger Award

I was nominated by Sam @ Modern Witch’s Bookshelf. I’m not sure I qualify for the award, but I’m excited and grateful to get the nomination. Sam’s blog has been one of my favorites since she started. Many of our tastes seem to align and she’s really, really funny! So if you’re not already following her (let’s be honest, you probably are) get over there and hit follow!

Awesome Blogger Award Rules

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Include the reason behind the award.
  • Include the banner in your post.
  • Tag it under #awesomebloggeraward in the Reader.
  • Answer the questions your nominator gave you.
  • Nominate at least 5 awesome bloggers and let your nominees know that they’ve been nominated.

Behind the Awesome Blogger Award

The award was created by Maggie at Dreaming of Guatemala who stated – “This is an award for the absolutely wonderful writers all across the blogging world. They have beautiful blogs, are kind and lovely, and always find a way to add happiness and laughter to the lives of their readers. That is what truly defines an awesome blogger.”

If you could choose any job to have in the world (fictional or real) what would it be and why?

Um… rich guy? Is that a job? Honestly, the job I want more than anything is to write full-time. It’s something I’ve wanted since I was a kid. Even if I was suddenly rich and didn’t need to work anymore, I’d still spend a lot of time writing. And I am working on it (in my ABUNDANCE of free time) and hopefully one day that’ll be my reality. 

Who is your favorite booktuber/blogger?

All the people I nominated below, and the blogger who nominated me, the fantastic Samantha!

Why did you decide to start blogging?

Seemed like fun, and IT IS!

We all have literary passports, where is yours stamped the most?

I really do spread my reads out. At least I try to. The in the last few years, though, I’ve primarily traveled to the land of YA, by way of the thriving city of Sci-Fi. Lovely place. Delicious waffles.

I saw this on another person’s post and obviously had to include it in mine:  What’s your Harry Potter name? Use this generator to find out! (FYI- mine is Susan Dippet)

Jugson McClaggen? Sounds pretty common to me. Half a step above John Smith.

What are some of your guilty pleasures? Whether they are book related or not.

Video games. Xbox or on my phone. I can play for hours, but then I feel guilty about how much time I just burned! Those could have been productive hours, dammit!

What is something that you love about your blog?

The visitors and the comments. The rest… needs work. It’s on my list of things to do!

What is something you admire about another blog, or want to try with yours?

Organization. Everyone else seems to have their menus and pages laid out in a much more sensical way. I need that. 

What is your favorite post that I (Modern Witch’s Bookshelf) have made?

The First Impression Friday posts, of course! 😉

What is your favorite post that you have personally done?

My favorite post was actually a guest post that is posted on Shanah’s blog about what we, as readers, owe to the authors of the books we read:

My Nominees/Favourite Blogs

Bionic Bookworm

Once Upon a Spine

The Cozy Pages

Beware of the Reader

Ally Writes Things

Sophie’s Corner

Introverted Book Nerd

Kristin Kraves Books

Books, Bones & Buffy

Bookishly Rebecca

I know I tag a lot of you ALL THE TIME, so feel free to ignore. (even you, Nina!)

Fun fact about this post: Jugson McClaggen? Really??