First Impression Friday | Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

Welcome to another First Impression Friday. In case this is your first time, here’s the rundown:

• Based on this sampling of your current read, give a few impressions and predict what you’ll think by the end.
• Did you think you’d love and ended up hating it? Or did you think you’d hate it and wound up loving it? Or were you exactly right?
• Link back to Storeys of Stories so I can enjoy reading all the First Impression Fridays out there!


This is my first ever buddy read with Taylor @ Nerd Narration. So far, I’m diggin it!

Maybe it’s the hype surrounding this book, or how much I enjoyed Illuminae and Gemina, but me and this book got off on the wrong foot.

The plot seems a little convoluted and maybe even directionless in the beginning. And the footnotes! OH THE FOOTNOTES!

I don’t mind the short ones that are tossing in something funny or thought-provoking, but many of them are like wiki entries. Interesting stuff, to be sure, but when it’s really long it’s pulling me away from the story for that entire time. Sometimes in the middle of a sentence.

Even so, I know the people who love this book wouldn’t steer me wrong and I’ve been assured that it gets better. Which I believe. Not only because I trust the opinions of these people, but also because through these early faults, I can see the seeds of something pretty awesome. Now I just have to wait for the rain and watch them grow.

My Prediction: 4 stars

Fun fact about this post: I know a certain Bionic Bookworm who will be PUMPED to see this post!