Thursday’s Top 4 Recent Favourite Covers

Thursday’s Top 4 is a bi-weekly meme hosted by Ally @ Ally Writes Things. It’s fun and doesn’t always require a wracking of the brain (though there are times!) If you like books or lists or a combination of the two, you should get in on this one.

This week’s topic, recent favourite covers. Recent is a relative term, so I’m going to go with book I’ve read in the last 6 months.


by Jay Kristoff

This cover was extremely attractive from the second I first saw it, but I found that while reading I was constantly closing the book (sometimes in the middle of a page) to look at the cover to see if I could pick out more details given by the story. Fun stuff!

by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

Duh. No explanation needed.

by Peter V Brett

The swirling cloak/dress. The wonderful blue colour. The badass look on her face. It’s all mesmerizing.

By Sam Hawke

As a surprise entrant, I present you with the cover of my current read. It’s not exactly uncommon for a blade to be featured on the cover of a fantasy novel. In fact, I think you’d be hard pressed to find more than a dozen fantasy covers without some kind of blade. But the fact that this is book 1 of The Poison War, and the knife is smoking with some kind of chemical makes it WAY more exciting.

Fun fact about this post: I decided on the 6-month timeline BEFORE picking covers, instead of picking a timeline to suit any particular cover. Not that I would ever do that… *evil laugh*