My Bookish Birthday Surprise!

I’m not easy to surprise. Or… maybe I am. I don’t know. It doesn’t happen very often. But, on Saturday, my wonderful wife managed to surprise me. And it was incredible!

Birthday surprises are even more of a rarity. Since it’s 8 days before Christmas, people are usually way too busy already with work and family functions to add another event to the list. My actual birthday is today, Monday the 17th, but when I came home on Saturday the 15th, after a somewhat full day or errands, I heard frantic whispers of, “hurry, hurry!

At that point, I was expecting to find my wife and kids with some sort of surprise. What I wasn’t expecting was my parents and my wife’s parents to be there as well. And I REALLY didn’t expect THIS:

BRAND NEW shelves to show off our many collectible obsessions such as Funko POPs, geeky decorations, and BOOKS!! I know. There’s a distinct absence of books in this photo. They will be added in due time. We’re still not sure the shelves are complete as is. We’ve talked about making them longer, adding in a few more of the “stair” style shelves, and maybe even flipping them upside down and mounting them to kind of frame in the long top for all those wonderfully geeky POPs.

What followed was a big family dinner, and a few drinks. A night that on more than one occasion I snuck away from everyone to look at these new shelves and imagine them packed with books!

Fun fact about this post: Look at all that room for future book hauls!!