Top 5 Books I NEED to Read in 2019

Honestly, this one could have been a top 50 Tuesday and I’d still be able to put a list together without much trouble. However, I’ve restrained myself.

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme host by Shanah the Bionic Book Worm. If you aren’t already in on it, what have you been doing with your Tuesdays? 

The Lies of Locke Lamora

I received this one as a gift from a certain Bionic Book Worm. That’s not the only reason I NEED to read it this year, but it certainly helps. I think the fact that the series is called The Gentleman Bastard is enough to make me want to read it.


Most people that have read Nevernight know exactly why I NEED to read this one. Preferably before the final book of the series comes out.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I won this one from a contest held by Sam @ Modern Witch’s Bookshelf. It had been on my list before winning it, but when it arrived in my mailbox it shot up near the top of my TBR.


Despite having been out for a couple of years, I only heard about this book last year. And then I heard about it again. And again. And again. It quickly became a NEED to read kind of situation.

An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth

Insights on how to live life from someone who’s survived in space? How can I not want to read that? To make it even more appealing, the author is a Canadian astronaut. And he grew up less than an hour away from my home town!

Fun fact about this post: This list was edited heavily. My first list was too depressing, especially since it looked a lot like the list of books I HAD to read in 2018!