Let me be 100 with you all for a minute. There’s been a lot of slacking since November ended as far as my writing goes. A lot of slacking. I need to put an end to that. So allow me to share a few goals for the first quarter of the year, and maybe I’ll feel a little more accountable to get these goals done.
Send out more query letters for Vicarious

I sent a few around early November, but then I started reading articles about when NOT to send query letters. A lot people were saying the end of November is a bad time because of how many first draft NaNoWriMo projects are being lobbed at literary agents everywhere. They said the end of the year was bad because every one kind of checks out early for the holidays. And they said January is bad because everyone is trying to get back into the swing of things after the new year. I don’t know if ANY of that is true, but I’ll start querying again some time in February!
Finish writing first draft of Evolution
Evolution was my NaNoWriMo project. I had about 30k words done pre-nano and nano itself added another 50k. With somewhere between 10 – 20k remaining, I should end up about 100 all-in.
Write first draft for stage play Out of Order
I’ve acted in a few plays, both comedies. It’s great fun if you ever get the chance. I’d also like to write one. Again, a comedy. This idea would take place in an apartment building lobby, where one of the elevators isn’t working (hence my not-so-clever title!) If the play turns out well, maybe the troupe I frequent will even perform it!
Write some of short stories bouncing around in my head
Troglodyte – a struggle of a species trying to make the from water animal to land animal.
Zombie – a man dies, but remains in his body unable to move on. But instead of trying to eat the brains of the living he can only lament why he’s still here.
AcetaminaPhil – a man is able to take pain away from others just by being near them.
Humans and the Things They Do When Standing on a Mine – a hunter steps on a mine and freezes in place. He thinks help has arrived when another man promptly comes along, but this new man is more interested in studying the hunter than helping him.
I have even more ideas rolling around up there, but these are the ones that I feel have had the proper marination time.
There it is. Hopefully by the second quarter I’ll be ready to take on a second draft of some of these projects, but that would require getting the first draft finished!
All the best with your writing goals this year!
I used to find it too hard to write posts on my phone. Then I met the new WP editor! Suddenly lounging on the sofa and playing around in my phone to format posts doesn’t seem so difficult anymore! 😄