Top 10 bad ass females

Yes, this Shanah’s Top 5 Tuesday post, but there are too many bad ass females to list. I felt many of them were the obvious and cliche choice, but don’t deserve to be taken off the list because of that. In an effort to celebrate both veterans and rookies alike, I present my Top 10 Tuesday list of bad ass females.

Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)

The one that’s going to be on everyone’s list today. At first, she seems too proper and upstanding to be a bad ass. But stick around for any one year of schooling and you’ll end up seeing her bad ass side. Especially if you make it to the third year or later.

Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)

I feel like the movies have made this a choice that some will scoff at. But really, how bad ass is Katniss? She made the bow and arrow cool again. And it was never uncool. So that’s saying something!

Nyneave al’Meara (The Wheel of Time)

Robert Jordan’s multi million-word epic has many, many bad ass females, but Nyneave is my personal fav. So much raw power, so much attitude, but a heart to match them both. She won’t stand to be pushed around, but if you try to push around those that she feels she’s responsible for, you’re in much bigger trouble.


Hanna Donnelly (The Illuminae Files)

Kady, too. But Hanna just a little more what with the physical ass kicking stats to look at.

Mustang (Red Rising)

You didn’t think I would make a list like this and not mention Red Rising’s bad ass, did you?

Art3mis (Ready Player One)

Speaking of books you knew I was going to mention, Art3mis lands among a sea of dudes and not only shows that she’s just as good as any of them, but in a lot of cases, she’s better.

Six of Crows book cover

Inej (Six of Crows)

The chimney scene. ‘Nuff said.

Vin (Mistborn)

Mistborn I only discovered recently, and Vin made it among the ladies on this list just about instantly.


Mia Corvere (Nevernight)

Yup. I feel like if I left Mia off of this list, I would end up stabbed.

Sancia Grado (Foundryside)

One of those rookies that I mentioned. Her abilities in the “magic” of her system and the pure perseverance makes her a total badass.

Fun fact about this post: My brain is mush and had to look up proper spelling of several names…