Top 5 Books for Hufflepuffs

Here we are in week 3 of HARRY POTTER MONTH in Shanah’s Top 5 Tuesday! So far we’ve covered books for Gryffindors and Ravenclaws. Today we move on to those friendly, super-cuddly, Cedric Diggory, probably-should-have-had-Neville-Longbottom-y HUFFLEPUFFS!

Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe

At first this book seems more like a Slytherin thing. Everyone hates everyone else, and insults fly even more often than fists. However, it takes a quick turn and by the end of this book the message is very clear. Friendship is everything. So be nice, you jerks.

The Art of Racing in the Rain

Is there anything more just or loyal that the relationship of a man and his faithful dog? Maybe. Why are you asking me? I’m a Ravenclaw.

Graveyard Book

I’m quickly realizing that out of all the Hufflepuff qualities, I’ve really latched onto the Loyalty aspect, because once again that’s the strongest theme going in this book.

They Both Die at the End

Yup. More loyalty.

Grim Lovelies

Grim Lovelies centers around a main character who is completely willing to do whatever anyone asks of her and does it with a smile on her face, and is loyal to her master despite some shady treatment. She seems a girl without an ounce of threat within her. Until you mess with the people she loves. Then she’s like a feral badger. And she does magic.

Fun fact about this post: Next week is the 4th and final Harry Potter Top 5 list. Slytherins.