Top 5 books I want to reread

Who has time for rereads?! There are so many books still waiting for first reads!

I’m going to assume that Shanah’s Top 5 Tuesday this week takes place in a magical world where time is limitless and I have no other responsibilities or distractions to pull me away from reading.




Maybe I spoke too soon about not having time, because I am in fact re-reading this one. But maybe I spoke too soon about that, because I already put the book aside to deal with a few others…

Red Rising

If I did read this again, it would be the third time through. Nothing wrong with that.

Six of Crows book cover

Six of Crows

I’d especially like to do this one since I’m going to be reading Crooked Kingdom soon.


This is kind of an odd one, because it wouldn’t really make any other top 10 lists of mine. But there’s a sequel and I’d really like to remember what happened in this one before moving on.


Again, for sequels, but also because it was such a fun thrill-ride the first time. I burned through the pages so quickly the cover was smoking by the time I was done!

Fun fact about this post: A Robopocalypse re-read will be happening shortly, in audiobook form!
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