A Preview of The Contest of Covers!

It’s almost here. Can you feel it? Are you excited? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!

Oh… I guess you’re not since it really hasn’t happened yet…

BUT, I have a little preview for you all. I used a random bracket generator (which people normally use to organize sports tournaments) and all the first rounds matchups have been decided.

Might be a little hard to see now, but nothing to worry about. Each cover will get the unyielding spotlight and discussion before any votes need to be cast. (I won’t be voting on any matchups unless a tie-breaker is needed.)

Tomorrow, the first match will be posted and discussed. Then the world is free to vote. A few days later, the next matchup will be posted. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat, until we’ve been through all matchups.

Thanks for checking in, and I’ll see you tomorrow for our first matchup!

Fun fact about this post: I’m watching playoff hockey as I put this together. The parallels are unexpected and a little alarming.