Top 5 Bookish Habits

Top 5 Tuesday is created by the always prolific Shanah, the Bionic Book Worm, and this week we’re looking at bookish habits. This was a tough one to figure out, because I’m so blind to the habits I have. They all blend into my daily life so seamlessly, it’s hard to see that they exist at all. Upon a closer look, here’s what I discovered:

Constantly Rearranging Bookshelves

Right now, my book are arranged in two sections. Read and unread. The read are arranged by genre, and the unread by the ones I want to read most. Though there’s nothing saying that next month I won’t rearrange by author name, or alphabetical by title.

Getting More and More Books Even When I Have Too Many to Read

Whether I’m cruising NetGalley for yet another ARC, or falling for another Amazon book sale, I can’t seem to stop myself from adding more and more books to my pile.

Getting My Hackles Up When People Diss Reading

“Why bother reading? I’d rather wait for the movie to come out.” Cue roaring laughter from people that don’t realize they’re making themselves sound like dumbasses. I’m not going to begrudge anyone who doesn’t like to read. But the people who have their cute little quips imply reading is stupid, pointless, for losers, or anything else makes me see red. I don’t like hunting, but I don’t talk shit about it. I don’t like figure skating, but I don’t talk shit about it. Why some people talk about not reading like it’s something to brag about is so far beyond me. Would these same people brag about not using math since being in high school?

Buying Additional Copies of a Book Because of a New Cover

This isn’t a common one, but it’s been known to happen. With those books that are the absolute top of my list, I can’t resist buying additional copies with a better cover. Witness the first copy I bought of The Art of Racing in the Rain, and then the second. (and no, I didn’t stop at 2 copies…)


Using Goodreads More Than Any Other Social Media

I can’t remember the last time I was on Facebook. I’m not interesting enough to post much on Instagram. I’m too old for Snapchat and TikTok. And twitter might be the only one that comes close to claiming as much of my time as Goodreads.

Fun fact about this post: Not sure if this counts as a hobby, but there is ALWAYS a book next to the toilet…
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