The struggle is real, and it continues. I’m still more than 5,000 words behind. However, I’m also still determined to keep going until the end of...
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NaNoWriMonday 2018 | Week 2
Happy Monday, everyone! No, I’m not one of those people that wakes up way too cheery and borderline annoying on a Monday morning. I’m more of...
Continue reading...NaNoWriMonday 2018 | Week 1
It’s the first week of NaNoWriMo and I have to say, I’m having a blast. I’ve been in editing land for so long that finally being...
Continue reading...NaNoWriMonday 2018 | The Final Pre-NaNo Post
Recently, I posted a few options that I was considering pursuing for this year’s NaNo. Only seems fair that I follow up and tell you that I...
Continue reading...I need your votes! | NaNoWriMonday
Another November grows near and another NaNoWriMo causes scribblers all over the world to prep and scramble. For anyone who’s never heard of NaNoWriMo, it’s a...
Continue reading...The Wednesday Writing Post | #slacking
I don’t talk about my writing very often on this old web log. I think mainly because my friends who like to read about books don’t...
Continue reading...WIPpet Wednesday!!
WIPpet Wednesdays is a blog hop where writers can share a snippet from their WIP. The only stipulation is that the excerpt is somehow related to the...
Continue reading...It’s my birthday and I’m giving away books!
When a hobbit has a birthday, it’s more common for that hobbit to GIVE gifts than to receive. I am far too tall to be a...
Continue reading...The Writer’s Tag
Big thanks to Sophie @ Sophie’s Corner for tagging me on this one! Sophie has a great blog where she discusses a great many things. Do...
Continue reading...Spectacular Failure – NaNoWriMonday – Week 3
This might be the end for me, I’m afraid. There are very few free hours in my average day, once the kids are in bed and...
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