Parental Mental Block

I just realized something tonight, and immediately reached for my computer to write this post. I have the strangest mental dad block and had to put it out there in hopes that I’m not the only one.

I just arrived home, an hour or two ahead of my wife and kids. They were visiting family and I had a few hours to myself. WHAT?! Time to myself? Did I win some kind of lottery?!

I knew I wanted to do some writing that night. Some for the blog, some for a novel I’ve been working on. I know, I know. There’s nothing strange about any of this so far. Just chill. I’m getting there.

I sat down, looked at my laptop, and a subconcious thought ran across my conscious mind: It’s not time yet. An empty house all to myself and my reaction was to wait.

Here’s why: I usually don’t do any kind of writing, blog or otherwise, until everyone is in bed.

So it’s one of two things. My writing instinct is nocturnal and it doesn’t like to work until the moon is out. That would mean I’m some kind of Writing Werewolf, which sounds pretty bad ass.

The other option is that I can’t get anything done unless my kids are asleep in their beds. That would make me more like a Scribbling Sandman. Yes, I like alliteration.

Unfortunately, this tale doesn’t end with me making some deep realization that helped get beyond this mental block. I just had to give my head a shake, call myself an idiot, and practice BICHOK (Butt In Chair, Hands On Keyboard.)

Anyone else came across a similarly silly (more alliteration) mental block of some kind? Come on. We all want to hear it, and this is a verbal judgment free zone. Silent judgment will probably still happen.