Top 5 Covers with Green, Blue, or Purple

Okay, last week, I scrolled through my Goodreads list, picked out the covers that went with the colour scheme, and then narrowed them down to my fav 5. An okay way to do it, but I’m switching it up this week.

This week, I found this week’s list on my physical bookshelf. And the top 5 were chosen on cover appeal, not story. I can confirm that with the fact that I haven’t read all the books on this list!

Armada by Ernest Cline

Simplistic design, but very effective. Draws the eye and doesn’t complicate the design. The font doesn’t come off as anything too unique until you really start to look at the letters and see they’re all doing different things.

Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab

Great font. The violin on black would have been enough on its own, but they went one step further, using the violin’s shape as a mask to show a little bit of scene.

Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

I’m not really sure what I’m looking at here, but I like it. Water, clearly, with a patch of blue sky. And, for me, Neil Gaiman’s name on the cover will always draw my eye.

Morning Star by Pierce Brown

Okay, okay. Maybe the content of the book has biased me on this one, but it is still a great design. Part of its genius is probably its consistency across the trilogy. Black covers, feature colour, single element, vertical text. Done.

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

There’s something about this concept. The cover torn to shreds with more stuff behind it. It’s done often and can be pretty cheesy when it’s done poorly. This one, I believe, has been done quite well. 

Fun fact about this post: My fulltime job (and college education) is in graphic design. While I don’t feel like this makes me more qualified to judge covers, it does give me a design-based vocabulary to make me sound more qualified (or more pedantic)