Top 5 Magical Creatures

Oh boy. I have a feeling I’m about to break a bunch of rules with this this week’s Top 5 Tuesday. Or at least spark a few debates about what qualifies a creature as magical. Or something as a creature. Or the purest example of ‘a waste of time.’



Fawkes —Harry Potter

Let’s be honest. Most of us could probably fill out this whole like with creatures from the Harry Potter series. That’s why I restricted myself to choose ONE creature from any book/series. It was tough, but I had to choose Fawkes. And is it just me or are there a lot of similarities between Harry and Fawkes. Always there when needed, usually providing the key to defeating the enemy, rising from the dead. Just saying.

Anouk — Grim Lovelies

The mouse turned person, turned slave, turned rebel, turned BAD ASS!

Black Rock Witch – HEX

Maybe my most debatable choice… She certainly was a person at one point. But she’s hundreds of years old. Seemingly disappears and appears at will. Magic? Check. Creature? *shrug*

The Six-Armed Warrior – Godsgrave

This choice probably comes from how recently I finished reading this book, and how in love I am with everything connected to it. But that six-armed warrior was a total bad ass. Made me think of Mortal Kombat! And yes, I have completely forgotten its real name. Six-armed warrior will have to do.

Domovoy — The Bear and the Nightingale

Okay. I want some of these for my own house. I have absolutely no problem leaving bread and milk out if it gets things around the house taken care of. If I do that now, the only things that show up are ants!

Fun fact about this post: Kind of wanted to add Zombies  from ALMOST EVERY BOOK OF ALL TIME! Creature? Debatable. Magical? Not usually.