First Impression Friday | Zero Sum Game by S.L. Huang

Welcome to another First Impression Friday. In case this is your first time, here’s the rundown:

• Based on this sampling of your current read, give a few impressions
and predict
what you’ll think by the end.
• Did you think you’d love and ended up hating it? Or did you think
you’d hate it and wound up loving it? Or were you exactly right?
• Link back to Storeys of Stories so I can enjoy reading all the
First Impression Fridays out there!

Let’s talk about Zero Sum Game by S.L. Huang.

“Cas Russell is good at math. Scary good.

The vector calculus blazing through her head lets her smash through armed men twice her size and dodge every bullet in a gunfight. She can take any job for the right price and shoot anyone who gets in her way.

As far as she knows, she’s the only person around with a superpower . . . but then Cas discovers someone with a power even more dangerous than her own. Someone who can reach directly into people’s minds and twist their brains into Moebius strips. Someone intent on becoming the world’s puppet master.

Someone who’s already warped Cas’s thoughts once before, with her none the wiser.

Cas should run. Going up against a psychic with a god complex isn’t exactly a rational move, and saving the world from a power-hungry telepath isn’t her responsibility. But she isn’t about to let anyone get away with violating her brain — and besides, she’s got a small arsenal and some deadly mathematics on her side. There’s only one problem . . .

She doesn’t know which of her thoughts are her own anymore.”

This book is exciting! The synopsis is excited and from page 1 it’s been exciting. EXCITING!

The whole idea is that our MC is just a regular human, but her knowledge and application of math (and a crap-load of physics) practically makes her a superhero. Well, maybe not so much on the hero part.

Character development is a little shallow so far, but everything’s been moving so fast I actually had to stop and think about it before I realized it.

I’m predicted at least 4 edge-of-my-seat stars.

Fun fact about this post: This one comes up Tuesday and I have to hurry since I just got another ARC in the mail that ALSO comes out Tuesday! I know, I know. Beyond first world problems…