Top 5 Tropes I want more of…

Time does NOT seem to be on my side this week! Normally I write this post on Monday, but here I am, on Tuesday, scrambling to get it up before the day’s over!

Tropes. We love them. We hate them. We have luke-warm ‘meh-ish’ feelings for them. Today, and next week, we’ll be talking about the ones we love and hate with the Bionic Bookworm’s Top 5 Tuesday meme. This week: The ones we love.

The ALL POWERFUL character

Gandalf, Voldemort, Darth Vader, SUPERMAN! There’s something about a character who just seems all powerful, and I can’t get enough. It’s especially delicious when the all powerful character is the enemy, making the odds stacked against the hero even higher, or when the all powerful character only shows up once in a while, so that life for our main characters aren’t too easy. Like seriously, Gandalf could have gotten rid of the ring of power so easily.

Full Government Control

I guess this is more the Dystopian genre. I still love it. The opposition. It’s almost like pitting the main characters against an all powerful character…. whoa…

Prophecies (for them or against them)

Who doesn’t love a good prophecy. Or what stems from it. After one has been handed down, we now get to follow some characters around as the struggle to make sure the prophecy comes true, or fight to make sure it doesn’t. The ones trying to disprove prophecy tend to be my faves!

Enemies Working Together

I love when a big bad enemy shows up and forces 2 previous enemies to become (at least) temporary allies.

He died… just kidding!

This is my favourite. You’re reading and someone dies, but you don’t actually see a dead body. And then later on (probably at the climax) BOOM! There they are, alive and well. Maybe not ‘well’, but alive. Doesn’t matter whether it’s a good guy or bad guy that pulls this little trick. I’m a fan.

Fun fact about this post: I’m so behind this week!